Direct import
In most cases the raw, green coffeebeans are shipped to Hamburg and stored there.
But while being stored, the coffee changes its owner several times without being moved – which is a good thing for the dealers who are selling and buying the coffeebeans – but not for the end-user.

Through our worldwide network with other coffee enthusiasts, our raw coffee beans take a different, direct route to the place where they are roasted. As the coffee beans bought directly from the coffee farmers the vocalists can be on top quality raw materials. The farmers get a very reasonable price for their product, which lies up to two or three times higher than what they usually get. This gives them the possibility to plan their harvest, enable them to invest money in their farms and as a result of this gets even better qualities and helps their children – the next generation of coffee farmers – to get a good education instead of having to help the harvest.

The result is something you can taste at the end of the process when you drink your coffee but you get the best possible quality in raw coffee.